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Q: What are fuels that come from under ground?
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What remains do fossil fuels come from?

Most fossil Fuels comes from the ground soil or in mountains

Crude oil comes from where?

it comes from fossil fuels under the ground that are millions of years old=) =D

What does fossil fuels mean?

Fossil fuels are the sources of energy formed millions of years ago under the ground (coal, oil and natural gas).

Where does diesel come from?

from oil, under the ground

What does oil and coal have to do with fossil fuels?

they both are made using natural gas and come from either mines or out of the ground

Where does water from wells come from?

Water wells are come from under ground water and its contain dirt and rain water.

What is alternative fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels come from fossilied plant matter in the ground. Alternative fuels are alternatives to fossil fuels, and these are mainly carbon fuels that take their carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (as fossil fuels do) but on a carbon cycle with a much shorter term. An example is wood, which can be burned as more trees are growing and absorbing carbon dioxide.

Is cow poo a fossil fuel?

No. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are hydrocarbons from deep under the ground.

Where do hydrocarbons in petrol and diesel come from?

fossil fuels

What ore mineral do rubies come from?

under the ground in mines

Where did the idea of Oil Drilling come from?

The fact that oil is under ground.

What type of rocks come from magma under the ground?

Igneous rocks