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Q: What are fuels we take from the ground called?
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IF more fuels are being made why is fossil fuels called Non-renewable?

New fuels are being made, like ethanol, which can be made from biomass, a quickly growing vegetation. These fuels are usually called renewable.Fossil fuels take millions of years to form, so they are called non-renewable.

What is alternative fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels come from fossilied plant matter in the ground. Alternative fuels are alternatives to fossil fuels, and these are mainly carbon fuels that take their carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (as fossil fuels do) but on a carbon cycle with a much shorter term. An example is wood, which can be burned as more trees are growing and absorbing carbon dioxide.

What are 4 fossils fuels and why are they called fossil?

oil, coal, natural gas, coke they are called fossil fuels because they are as old as fossils. They take thousands, if not millions of years to turn into what they are.

What remains do fossil fuels come from?

Most fossil Fuels comes from the ground soil or in mountains

What energy resources are known as fossil fuels?

The hydrocarbons formed from the remains of long dead living things burried in the ground are called fossil fuels. Thse include Coal, Lignite, Natural Gas and Oil.

How are fossil fuels retrieved from the ground?

u suck on it

Where are fossil fuels found in PA?

In the ground! silly....

What are fossil fuels and how do you get them?

Fossil fuels are dead animals and plants rotted into the ground and turn into turf and the like. That is what your turf is made of. It take millions of years for a bog to grow so thaqts why we have to be careful we dont use it all.

How are fossil fuels retrieved from the earth?

Drilling into the ground, mining.

Where are the natural resources of Texas?

Deep in the ground: fossil fuels.

What is the hardest fossil fuels to extract from the ground?

Oil Shale

What are resources that are not fossil fuels called?

The resources that are non fossil fuels are called unlimited resources.