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gender bias noun gender prejudice, one-sidedness, partiality, partisanship, prejudice, sexual discrimination, unequal treatment, unfairtreatment, unfairness, unlawful treatment of a protected class.

Basically, because someone is the same sex as you, you may be more likely to pick them for you team (back in the schoolyard days) or give them a job or pay them better. I think the way you tackle this depend really on the individual. I think the best way is to think through it logically. Look at the the pros and cons of say hiring the person based on their skills. If it helps rename them so they are the same gender and then consider you options. Everyone has their own techniques so try lots of them until you find one that suits you.

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Gender biases are preconceived notions or stereotypes that favor one gender over another. To overcome gender biases, it is important to challenge these stereotypes by promoting diversity and equality in all aspects of society. Education, awareness, and promoting inclusivity can help in breaking down gender biases and promoting a more equitable environment for everyone.

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