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Applications of uranium:

- nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors

- explosive for nuclear weapons

- material for armors and projectiles

- catalyst

- additive for glass and ceramics (to obtain beautiful green colors)

- toner in Photography

- mordant for textiles

- shielding material (depleted uranium)

- ballast

- and other minor applications

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13y ago
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3mo ago

Good: Uranium is an efficient and energy-dense source of fuel for nuclear power plants, which can generate significant amounts of electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions. Bad: Uranium mining and processing can have negative impacts on the environment and can lead to radioactive contamination if not properly managed. Additionally, uranium can be used to create nuclear weapons, posing a security risk.

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13y ago

Applications of uranium:

- nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors

- explosive for nuclear weapons

- material for armors and projectiles

- catalyst

- additive for glass and ceramics (to obtain beautiful green or yellow colors)

- toner in photography

- mordant for textiles

- shielding material (depleted uranium)

- ballast

- and other minor applications

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13y ago

Applications of uranium:

- nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors

- explosive for nuclear weapons

- material for armors and projectiles

- catalyst

- additive for glass and ceramics (to obtain beautiful green colors)

- toner in photography

- mordant for textiles

- shielding material (depleted uranium)

- ballast

- and other minor applications

1. Uranium is a possible polluting agent of the natural environment.

2. Uranium is a toxic and radioactive chemical element.

3. Uranium release radium and radon.

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14y ago

Uranium helps in the construction of nuclear objects such as nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons.

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Q: What are good and bad things about uranium?
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Why is uranium bad?

Uranium is considered bad because it is radioactive and can emit harmful radiation that can damage cells in the body, leading to various health issues including cancer. In addition, uranium mining and processing can have negative environmental impacts such as water contamination and habitat destruction.

What are 5 good things about uranium?

- the nuclear energy from uranium is an alternative for fossil fuels- uranium doesn't release carbon dioxide- uranium hasn't a contribution to the warming of the climate- uranium has many applications- uranium is useful for nuclear weapons, armors and projectiles

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Seriously, religion doesn't make people do bad things.

How is uranium bad?

Uranium is just like nuclear energy

How long does it take to be a good person?

It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.

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How bad is uranium 233?

Uranium-233 is not bad ! It is an important nuclear fuel . And also can be used in nuclear weapons.But it is radioactive and toxic as all uranium isotopes.

What is the good and bad effects of uranium that found in cheese?

Excepting the rare cases of contamination after an accident foods contain uranium in extremely traces, without any health significance.

Is uranium good or bad for the planet?

Uranium exists whether you like it or not, and the planet, being inanimate, doesn't care one way or the other, so it's a silly question.

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What were some good and bad things about the atomic bomb technology wise?

the good things were. they tested out a neucleur wepeon and the bad things are killed loads of people the good things were. they tested out a neucleur wepeon and the bad things are killed loads of people