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Q: What are good grains to feed your chickens?
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How much food do you feed them you have 6 chickens?

A good basic feed should be available at all times for your chickens. Start with about 3 oz. per bird and check how much is gone after a day. Keep in mind the birds will waste some of the feed by walking through and scattering the grains.

Can you feed meat or sardines to chickens?

Chickens are omnivores and can eat almost anything. It is a myth that they only eat grains and commercial feed. They love fish and other proteins. Never feed your birds spoiled meat as it can make them sick.

Do chickens and ducks belong to the same species?

Yes, it will not hurt them. Ducks are often kept with chickens and they share grains. Keeping the chickens on a regular diet of duck specific grains is not a good idea as the nutritional needs of the species are slightly different. You will not get your best growth and egg production from hens fed this way.

Can you feed your rhonde island red hens cooked rice?

They will eat it. It should not be the only food they get as it will not meet their nutritional needs. You can also feed them raw rice. Rice is a grain and grains are what chickens prefer. A good mix of grain or a commercial chicken feed is best as a main diet.

Can chickens eat rolled barley?

Absolutely. Barley is fine for chickens. They will not thrive on barley alone however and should be given a mix of grains. Most chicken feed is made up of several different grains including wheat,corn and soya.

What type of food is best to feed a chicken?

Corn, or scratch grains. Do not feed this in access in the summer; feeding corn and scratch generates body heat which in turn can harm the chickens.

How do you feed your chickens on minecraft?

You feed CHICKENS by right clicking them with seeds.

What do you feed small chickens?

Chickens will eat a variety of feed. Feed stores have chicken feed in bags you can buy.

Can chickens eat coconut?

Chickens can eat coconut, it's just not so good for them so don't feed them too much!

Can you feed chickens there own eggs?

if you feed chickens eggs they will start eating there own eggs.

Do chickens eat moles?

No they do not eat moles, they actually eat a variety of items such as insects and worms, pet chickens usually eat chicken feed, grains, and cracked corn. Actually, chickens will eat rodents. As omnivores, a chicken will eat bugs and small rodents when available.