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There are some excellent treatments available now to combat fleas on cats. There is the oral version, once a month. Advantage also has a topical application, for once a month. There is also a favorite product line, Revolution. This product also combats intestinal worms and mosquitoes.

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Q: What are good treatments against cat fleas?
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You have found a flea on your cat will it have more?

There is a high probability that your cat will have more fleas on it. Fleas are tiny little things that reproduce fast, and your cat could probably have eggs or more fleas on it. If you want to prevent fleas, there are really good medicines out there you could use.

What is the term for a cat who has fleas?

The cat with fleas is a host

Are dog fleas and cat fleas the same?

While cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and dog fleas (Ctenocephalides cannis) are two different species, most of the fleas found on dogs are actually cat fleas.

Flea bites from a cat?

Fleas on a cat are probably either dog fleas or cat fleas (these are two different species, but despite the name, either can survive on either a dog or cat ... or for that matter on other mammals). Both of them can and will bite humans.

Cat Flea Treatment?

form_title=Cat Flea Treatment form_header=Keep your cat feeling purrrrr-fect. Find the most effective flea treatments guaranteed to stop the itch. Has your cat ever had fleas or ticks before?*= () Yes () No Is your cat allergic to any products?*= () Yes () No Do you have a preferred type of flea control that you are already using?*= () Yes () No Breed of cat?*= _[50] Is your cat an indoor or outdoor cat?*= () Indoor () Outdoor

What are little black things on your bed after the cat lies there?

Flea poop. Dried blood excreted by fleas onto your cat. Your kitty needs a good quality flea treatment. Talk to your vet or someone at a reputable pet supply store. There are also many natural treatments you can use.

Do cat fleas die after leaving the cat if their no more cats?

No, fleas will live in your home and bite people instead. Your home will need to be treated for fleas if a fleas are seen!

How do you prevent ticks from getting on your cat?

There are several monthly topical spot-on treatments available for cats that will repeal ticks (and fleas, generally) for one month - your veterinarian can help you determine which of the products would be best for your cat.

Will fleas on a cat infect another cat if bitten?

Fleas jump from host to host, so a flea can jump from one cat to another if bitten, but the bite itself will not cause the fleas.

What are the bugs that look like fleas on your cat's belly?


Fleas make cat ill?

Yes, fleas can make a cat ill because the bites can get infected