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For Plato is Phylum Chlorophyta, green Plants lol

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Q: What are green algae members of and are thought to be the direct ancestor of what?
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Green algae is the oldest ancestor of what organism?

Green algae is the oldest ancestor of all land dwelling (non-marine) plants.

What organism do scientists believe are plants' ancestors?

The dinosaur is thought to be the ancestor of all things today.

Are seaweed plants?

Yes,Seaweed is a loose colloquial term encompassing macroscopic, multicellular, benthic marine algae.[1] The term includes some members of the red, brown andgreen algae. Seaweeds can also be classified by use (as food, medicine, fertilizer, industrial, etc.).A seaweed may belong to one of several groups of multicellular algae: the red algae, green algae, and brown algae. As these three groups are not thought to have a common multicellular ancestor, the seaweeds are a polyphyletic group. In addition, some tuft-forming bluegreen algae (Cyanobacteria) are sometimes considered as seaweeds - "seaweed" is a colloquial term and lacks a formal definition.

Why do scientist think green algae and plants have a common ancestor?

They share chlorophyll.

Are algae members of the plant kingdom?

No. They are not.

Green algae are members of?

I believe Green algae are members of the Protist family because they are plant like bacteria i believe but im not entirely sure

How do do scientists study evolution of plants?

Plants and green algae have the same types of chlorophyll and carotenoids in their cells so scientists think plants and green algae have a common ancestor.

What kingdom has members that do not have a membrane surrounding their nucleus?


What is protista taxonomy?

Protista is a kingdom within the domain Eukarya that includes a diverse group of single-celled organisms. It is a polyphyletic group, meaning that its members do not share a common ancestor. Protists are classified based on their characteristics and can include algae, amoebas, and protozoa.

Does algae grown on its own in a small freshwater tank with 3 to 4 guppies?

algae will mainly grow in an area where in direct sunlight

To what kingdom is algae belong?

Yes, algae are the members of plant kingdom. These may be unicellular to colonial or filamentous. These are autotrophs like other members of plant kingdom, preparing food through photosynthesis.

Why do biologists classify red and green algae with land plants?

Red and green algae are photosynthetic and are thus autotrophs. Otherwise, they are aquatic and (in the case of green algae) can be unicellular. But these are similarities that are not sufficient to define algae as true plants. All plants in the Kingdom Plantae are multicellular and terrestrial (ancestrally terrestrial in the case of waterlilies). Green algae are important in the study of plants as they show the base of the plant kingdom, hinting at what a common ancestor to the whole kingdom may have looked like. In particular, the charophytes are probably close to the common ancestor of all land plants. Thus, in the study of land plants, green algae can be considered the most recently diverged outgroup. And, earlier still, red algae diverged.