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Q: What are grooves called on the edge of a coin?
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How many grooves on a one pence piece?

There are no "grooves" on a British 1 Penny coin. The edge is not milled.

Which coin has 119 grooves?

The 25-cent Canadian coin, also known as the quarter, has 119 grooves on its edge. Each groove represents one year since the Confederation of Canada in 1867.

How many grooves on the edge of a U.S. dime?

The grooves are called Reeds. Dimes have 118 of them, Quarters have 119. And Half Dollars have 150.

How many grooves are on the edge of a quarter?

a quarter has 130 grooves.

Why do coins have grooved edges?

The grooves or lines on the edge of a coin are called "Milling" or "Reeding". These days, it has a decorative function. In the old days, it was done to prevent "clipping", which is the shaving off of the precious metal used to make the coin. Many countries produce coins with a "milled" or "reeded" edge.

How many grooves are on a quarters edge?

A quarter has 119 grooves, or reeds. The grooves are used as an anti-counterfeiting strategy.

How do you observe a penny?

You just stand there and watch it (in case it makes a break for the door). You possibly mean "obverse" rather "observe". The "obverse" of a coin is the front, usually the side with the King, Queen or president on it. The "reverse" of a coin is the back. The only other surface a coin has is the edge, which many people forget about or ignore. The edge of a coin can be smooth, milled, have interrupted milling or even grooves. There can often be some sort of inscription on the edge of a coin.

How may grooves are on the edge of the equator?


What is the rough edge of dime called?

Answer 1:its called scrub you scrub Answer 2: The roughened or designed edge of a coin is called the milled or reeded edge. The reeding was introduced to demonstrate that the edge of the coin had not been filed, saved or clipped. (Back when the metal of the coin carried its true worth). It continues today as an aesthetic device.The British numismatic term for the reeded ridged edge is "graining" and the reeds are called "crenellations".

How many grooves are on the US dime?

The grooves are called Reeds. Dimes have 118 of them, Quarters have 119. And Half Dollars have 150.

How many grooves are there on the edge of a U.S. dime?

According to the U.S. Mint, a dime has 118 reeds (grooves).

How many grooves are there on the edge of a U.S dime?

According to the U.S. Mint, a dime has 118 reeds (grooves).