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Q: What are independent variables when wrapping bread in plastic wrap?
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How long should freshly baked nut bread cool before wrapping?

You should let it cool completely to room temperature before wrapping. Otherwise, moisture will form between the wrapping and the bread which will make it soggy or sticky to the touch.

How do you keep bread fresh in the freezer?

If the bread is fresh to begin with, it won't be a problem to freeze it without compromising the quality of it. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, then wrap that in aluminum foil for further protection against drying out and freezer burn. When ready to use, leave it in the wrapping while thawing so the condensation will form on the outside of the wrapping instead of on the bread. It is not recommended to freeze most breads for longer than two months.

What is the weight of plastic bread tray?

The weight of plastic Bread tray is 1.9kg.

What is the independent and dependent variable on bread mold?

the independent is nothing

Why would a scientist need to identify variables?

Variables are the basis of a scientific experiment. When the scientist is carrying out his procedure, he is actually altering a variable, called the independent variable. Unless he just likes playing with chemicals, he is likely attempting to get a result, and he does this by using measurements of the dependent variable, which has changed because of the manipulation of the independent variable. Identifying the variables becomes very important when formulating more complicated studies, and becomes the bread and butter of psychological experiments.

How do you mail a freshly baked bread to someone?

I think that once it had cooled, I would try wrapping it well in plastic wrap and then put it in a big ZipLock bag. After that, the normal shipping methods would apply, but I'd sure try to overnight it. FriPilot

Why is bread wrapped in a plastic bag?

To keep it fresh

How do you make bread last longer?

Let the bread cool before wrapping. If you wrap it in a plastic bag while the loaf is warm, moisture and warmth will be trapped and will ecourage mold growth. If you think you will not use it within a day or two, freeze it.

Can bread sacks be recylced with plastic grocery sacks?


Can you store bread in a plastic container?

Yes, you can. It is a good idea in fact, to have bread stored in a closed airtight container.

How do you grow fungi out of bread?

hihiWith a more serious answer , you can grow fungi out of bread by sealing a piece of bread in a plastic bag and taping it to your window. Soon you will see condensation form on the plastic as moisture gathers in the bread. You'll start seeing fungi sometime after that, around the decomposing stage I assume.

What is the packaging of bread 50 years ago?

Fifty years ago, bread was typically packaged in wax paper or plastic bags. It was common for bread to be sold unwrapped as well, especially from local bakeries. Plastic bread bags with twist ties or paper wrappers were also widely used.