

What are interesting fact about venus?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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1. Venus rotates backwards compared to the other planet

Venus rotates very slowly. While a day on Earth takes just 24 hours to complete, a day on Venus is 243 of our Earth days. Even stranger, Venus rotates backwards compared to all the other planets in the Solar System. If you could fly up above the Solar System and then look down at the planets, all of them are turning in a counter-clockwise direction. Except Venus. It's rotating in a clockwise direction.

2. Many probes have landed on the surface of Venus

For such a hellish world, you would think that it would be impossible to land anything on its surface. And you're partly right. During the height of the space race, the Soviet Union launched a series of Venera spacecraft to attempt landings on the surface of Venus. But they underestimated just how nasty the atmosphere can be.

The early spacecraft were crushed as they passed down through the atmosphere. But finally Venera 8 was the first spacecraft to land on the surface of Venus and sent pictures back to Earth. Further missions lasted longer, and even returned the first color images of the surface of Venus.

3. The atmosphere is very hostile

As we said earlier above, Venus is like the Earth's evil twin. Although it's similar in size and mass to the Earth, the atmosphere of Venus sets it apart. The mass of the atmosphere is 93 times that of the Earth's atmosphere. If you could stand on the surface of Venus, you would experience 92 times the pressure you have on Earth. This is the same as going nearly a kilometer underneath the surface of the ocean.

And if the pressure doesn't kill you, the heat and toxic chemicals certainly will. Temperatures on Venus can rise to 460° C. And there are thick clouds of sulfur dioxide on Venus that rain down sulfuric acid. It really is a hellish place to be.

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