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Q: What are key indicators reports in management information system?
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What is full form of MIS report?

Full form of MIS is Management Information System. MIS Needs to work on Excel to create their reports.

What are the different kinds of report and their meaning in management information systems?

Generic reports, automated reports, and manual reports can be generated from management information systems. The type of reports generated will depend on the type of the management information system used.

What are the characteristics of financial management information system?

A financial information management system is accurate, integrated with other systems and analytical. A good system will help management avoid problems by generating reports.

Management information systems provide reports that show conditions that are unusual or need attention by users of the system These reports are called?

exception reports

What typical information is provided by a management information system?

Typical information from a MIS includes statistical summaries, exception reports, periodic as well as on-demand reports, comparative analysis, projections, early detection, routine reports, and communications.

What is mean by MIS report generation?

The meaning of MIS report generation is Management Information System reports generated. This can include financial reports, inventory reports, or performance reports that are computer generated for review.

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What are Subsystem of Management information system?

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What is SFMIS?

SFMIS stands for School Financial Management Information System. It is a software system used to manage and track financial information within educational institutions. SFMIS helps schools to monitor budgets, expenses, and payments, as well as generate financial reports for decision-making and compliance purposes.

What is the relationship between management information system and information system?

Management Information System is a type of Information System. It is used by middle management to keep taps on the activities of the organisation. It helps them in making informed decisions.