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Q: What are large clouds that often profuse thunderstorms called?
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Do thunderstorms come from cirrus clouds?

Thunderstorms can come from cirrus clouds. Large numbers of cirrus clouds is a sign that a frontal system is approaching the area.

Do cirrus clouds bring thunderstorms?

Cirrus clouds generally do not bring thunderstorms. They are high-level clouds composed of ice crystals and are typically associated with fair weather. Thunderstorms are usually associated with cumulonimbus clouds, which are large and dense clouds that can reach high altitudes and produce thunder, lightning, and heavy precipitation.

Why do skies darken when a tornado forms?

Tornadoes are produced by thunderstorms called supercells which consist of enormous towering cumulonimbus clouds. These tall clouds block out a large amount of sunlight.

Large thunderhead clouds that produce precipitation are called?

cumulonimbus clouds

Large thunderhead clouds are called?

Cumulonimbus clouds are often called thunderheads :)- Hope this helps

What kind of a cloud is cumulonimbus?

Cumulonimbus clouds have a large and tall horizontal appearance. They are capable of producing severe weather conditions such as thunderstorms and hailstones.

Thick puffy clouds are called clouds?

Clouds are actually categorised into groups based on shape and size. Large puffy clouds are called cumulus or cumulonimbus

Intence thunderstorms produce large frozen rain drops called what?


Large thunderhead clouds that produce precipitation are called what kind of clouds?

Cumulonimbulus clods.

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Why are cumulonimbus clouds associated with cold fronts?
