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Q: What are long term effects of malaria on the liver?
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Long-term use of Vicodin in the elderly can lead to increased risk of falls, confusion, cognitive decline, and dependence or addiction. It can also worsen underlying medical conditions and interact with other medications the elderly may be taking. It is important to closely monitor the use of Vicodin in older individuals and consider alternative pain management strategies.

What are long term effects of infection from p falciparum malaria?

the effects of malaria are youll be very tired and weak

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how using a vaccine may give long term immunity to malaria

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went alcohol is used it makes u drunk and u may do something u may regret. team kickface

2.1 Effects of long term alcohol misuse?

kidney damage, liver damage and a hole in the wallet where money used to be.

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Long term alcohol use can lead to mouth and throat cancer. Also, high blood pressure and heart trouble, also sclerosis of the liver are some long term effects.

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the long-term effects of SSRIs are unknown

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Short term effects can be a lack of interest, slow and shallow breathing, nausea and constipation. Also you can suffer from light headaches and a temporary sense of well-being. Long term effects are liver damage, addiction and muscle rigidity.

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