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*** Since there are too many differences between all the different Translations; and since I am mainly more familiar with the KJV and the New World Translation, I provide more information of the differences between them; but other translations follow the general practices of the KJV.

1) One of the main differences is the substituting of the Divine Name of Almighty God (Jehovah in English) with other renderings. The Divine Name appears in the ancient manuscripts nearly 7,000 times. The first King James Version for example only retained it in 4 places; the rest were 'substitution' words; thus there are nearly 7,000 MISTAKES regarding just 1 word. (It would make a normal person wonder if there are any other mistakes with other words; let alone with understanding the truths in The Bible.)

To their credit, the very latest version of the King James Version was released on the 400th Anniversary of the KJV; and it returned the name Jehovah back into all the places where they originally were anyway. This version is actually called 'The Divine Name King James Version'. Unfortunately there are so many older versions around; and this version is not being enthusiastically paraded as the latest; (many deeply religiously literate people, still do not know about this version. Some are learning about it on wiki answers as I have published it; yet there is a resistant spirit to quoting from it.)

To their credit, The New World Translation, from its very first edition onward, has always placed God's most Holy name, in its rightful place. This Translation is published by Jehovah's Witnesses. This makes 7,000 less mistakes than other Bibles which 'deleted' and minimized the importance of The Name in their versions of the Holy Scriptures.

2) The King James Version for example is only translated into only ONE language text; namely English. Whereas the New Word Translation text is translated into approx 96 languages, making it available to more people.

3) Many Bibles do not contain marginal notes, or footnotes; explaining alternate renderings of a particular word; other Bibles have those features as part of their text.

4) Many Bibles will translate a number of Hebrew or Greek words from the original texts - - and simply translate them as ONE word into English; even though they are different words originally. (Sometimes this involves up to 4 different Hebrew words, which are translated as 1 word into English.) Therefore the flavor of the word is lost; resulting in insufficient understanding of some Bible truths. The New World Translation tries to follow the rule of one-word-for-one-word in the new language (if possible.)

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Q: What are main differences among the different Bible texts?
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How is a Bible kept?

Traditionally, all sacred texts are kept clean and with respect; the Bible is no different. There are no Christian rules on this, however.

Where in the bible would you find the 10 commandents?

In two separate places: 1). Exodus 20, starting at v. 2. 2). Deuteronomy 5, starting at v. 6 . Note: The two texts are different; you can learn a lot by comparing them, and then researching and thinking about the differences.

Is the Holy Scriptures the same as the Bible?

The Holy Scriptures are the same as The Holy Bible -- if you are a Christian. If you are of the Jewish faith, the holy scriptures will be, of course, the Hebrew Bible, sometimes called the TaNaKh*. These scriptures contain almost exactly what Christians have in what they call the Old Testament, but the order is different, and the viewpoint of some of the texts is different. Obviously, there are many other faiths in the world; each faith has its own scriptures -- entirely different texts. Because the term "the Holy Scriptures" can mean so many different things to different people, it is very wise to avoid the use of this term unless you are sure your audience is all of one faith. *TaNaKh is an acronym derived from the three sections in the Hebrew Bible. T - stands for Torah (law or guide), the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. N - stands for Neviim (prophets), the various books of the prophets. In the Hebrew Bible, Samuel is considered one of the prophets. Kh - stands for khetuvim (writings), those texts not otherwise covered in the other two sections. As you can see, the view of the texts in Judaism is a bit different from that of Christianity.

Why was The Bible canonized?

Canon in this sense means a rule or standard. The Bible was canonized to establish what were the authoritative books to be used by the church in its preaching and teaching. This established a standard for what texts were accepted and what texts were not.

What book of the Bible did the Ten Commandments first appear?

The "Ten Statements" or "Ten Commandments" appear twice in the first five books of the Bible, with somewhat different texts: Exodus ch.20 and Deuteronomy ch.6.

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Comparing two different texts is considered a comparative analysis. This involves examining similarities and differences between the texts to identify key themes, ideas, or arguments. The goal is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of both texts.

How is a Bible kept?

Traditionally, all sacred texts are kept clean and with respect; the Bible is no different. There are no Christian rules on this, however.

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The Holy Bible, for Christians. The Muslims have the Quran, the hadith.

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It is the Bible.

Where in the bible would you find the 10 commandents?

In two separate places: 1). Exodus 20, starting at v. 2. 2). Deuteronomy 5, starting at v. 6 . Note: The two texts are different; you can learn a lot by comparing them, and then researching and thinking about the differences.

Why some sources says that there are only 44 books in the old testament?

What you should understand is that the book known as "The Bible" is a collection of different texts, considered to be sacred - and that different religious groups don't entirely agree which texts should be included, and which not.

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The divisions exist because the different texts were written independently and later gathered to make up the Bible. Technically, the Bible is an anthology. That is, there were many texts that had varying degrees of sacredness. In both the Jewish and Christian traditions, the final decisions about what books were in the canon and considered part of the Bible were made around the second century. Books like Esther, and Song of Songs were among those that were a bit controversial, Esther because God is not explicitly mentioned, and Song of Songs seems, at first glance, to be sexual. There was no debate about the Torah, Psalms and the major prophets, but Christians had several gospels that they rejected and Jews (and later Protestants) rejected several books that the Christian church accepted, for example, the books of the Maccabees.

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The Bible is the holy book of Christianity. Of which there several 'varieties' Some of whom have slightly different versions. Therefore Christianity has the best Bible. Other religions call their holy texts other names.

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It is said that the Chinese texts were written before the Bible. They used to worship gods earlier before Buddha came into exisitance.

Why are sacred texts helpful to people from different religions how do belivers use sacred texts how would religions be different without sacred texts?

The Holy Bible is from God and it helps people to become aware of what He wants for their lives. Religions would be different without scripture because, the information might not get passed on correctly if it was only taught verbally without a text.