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After consuming alcohol your brain starts to work inefficiently. The brain actually slows down and takes longer to receive and process information. Also your ability to multi-task will decrease and your ability to see at night will fall by up to 25 per cent. With your brain working slower your reactions times will increase.

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Q: What are mental effects of driving drunk?
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What problems do drunk driving cause?

Drunk drivers account for thousands of deaths and injuries every year because their mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol which result in car accidents .

What groups are addressing drunk driving?

Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Where can someone find drunk driving facts?

Laws and statistics on drunk driving can be found at websites like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Drunk Driving Facts, the CDC website, Life Tips, and Buzzle.

How mucu does drunk driving cost tax payers?

cost of drunk driving

When is drunk driving most occurred?

most drunk driving occurs on the weekends

What are 3 causes and 3 effects for texting while driving?

The three cuases: Injury or death Damage to both viechals Traffic Three effects: Texting and driving is now worse than drunk driving It's illegal in most states You can get a fine or be arrested

What is the comparison from drinking and driving deaths and sober driving deaths?

Drunk driving is when you are completely drunk and you are not in your senses and sober driving is when you are almost drunk but you still gain some consciousness in yourself.

How is public records relevant to drunk driving?

it is relevant to drunk driving because it kills

How many drunk driving deaths in 2008?

There were 11,773 drunk driving deaths in 2008.

What does drunk driving do to your body and the effects?

Its can kill you or another person Taking someones life away or yourself away from everything you love So stop Drinking and Driving Now