

Best Answer
  1. "She had a crown of flowing locks that shimmered in the sunlight."
  2. "His thoughts were a tangled web of hair, impossible to unravel."
  3. "Her anger boiled over, the fiery strands of hair standing on end like a lion's mane."
  4. "His words were razor-sharp, cutting through her defenses like a barber's shears."
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Q: What are metaphors about hair?
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What are some similies metaphors for straight hair?

The girls hair was as straight as a pin. The girl had stick hair.

Does the song amazing just the way you are by Bruno mars have metaphors or alliteration?

"Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her tryin." "Her hair, her hair" is an alliteration.

Similes and metaphors for White Fang?

The mans hair is as white as snow is a simile.

How do metaphors help stories?

Metaphors are comparisons. They help a story by providing a vivid image for the reader. If you say "Her hair was black," for example, it's not as strong an image than if you say "Her hair was a raven's wing against the snow."

What is the effect of metaphors?

A metaphor compares one thing to something else; it DOES NOT use the words, like or as.Example: Her hair is silk. Simple and straight, the effect of metaphors is that it aims to create imagery so that we may visualize the connection between two objects or things when they are not. Metaphors are just the use of direct comparison.

The babys hair was corn silk against her soft pink face. Is this a simile or a metaphor?

this is a metaphor. like or as are used in simlies, in metaphors people use was and were and stuff

What are some examples of warm weather metaphors?

warm weather metaphors

When was Millennium Metaphors created?

Millennium Metaphors was created on 2000-09-25.

When was Shameful Metaphors created?

Shameful Metaphors was created on 2010-07-13.

What are some examples of metaphors in songs?

Oursong by Taylor Swift , its just a bunch of metaphors

What is a song with a lot of metaphors?

A song with a lot of metaphors is Hello Seattle by Owl City

How do metaphors and extended metaphors differ?

Metaphors are direct comparisons between two unlike things, while extended metaphors continue the comparison through a series of sentences or throughout an entire piece of writing. Extended metaphors allow for a deeper exploration and elaboration on the comparison being made, providing more detailed and nuanced insights.