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Q: What are multifactorial characteristics?
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What is multifactorial transmission?

This occurs when environmental factors interact with genetic factors to produce traits. The term multifactorial means many factors. Traits that involve multiple genes and complicated patterns of inheritance are said to be exhibiting multifactorial transmission.

Is familial hypercholesterolemia a multifactorial defect?


What is health as a multifactorial phenomenon?

Health as a multifactorial phenomenon involves several factors. These factors include economic, socio-cultural, and environment. It also includes political factors which involve political will and empowerment.

What cause Goldenhar Syndrome?

causes are Multifactorial but there may be due to gentic component

Is cleft lip a chromosomal error or a multifactorial trait?

neither, it is a birth defect

What is a multifactorial trait?

Trait that is controlled by many genes and is also influenced by the environment.

What are genetic disorders that involve more than one defective gene?

Multifactorial genes.

Does genetic addiction appears to be polygenic and multifactorial?

Not entirely. Don't forget that there are father and mother genetic factors.

What is the condition called when there are many genes that affect a trait which are susceptible to changes due to environmental factors?

Multifactorial trait

Why cancer is caused by multifactorial traits?

because it have two clases of genes involved: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes

What is a multifactorial model?

Multifactorial model is the belief that health and illness are a function of multiple factors involving biological, psychological, and cultural domains, and their interactions. It recognizes that there is no single, simple answer to the questions of why do some people catch every illness going around like the flu and some people go through all of winter with just the sniffles.

Is Diabetes Cleft lip Palate autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive sex-linked abnormality of chromosomes or multifactorial?

Sex-linked and Recessive