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Yes,lysosomes contain digestive enzymes.They involve in inter and extra cellular digestion.

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Q: What are muscle cells composed of?
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Are muscle tissues composed of cells?

yes it is made up of a group of smells! :P

Which muscle cell are composed a branching chain of cells?


Is brain cardiac muscle?

No. The brain is made up of nervous tissue, which is composed of specialized cells called neurons. Muscle tissue is composed of myocytes, or "muscle cells", which have a different organization, structure and function than nervous tissue.

What cells make up the myocardium?

Most of the myocardium is composed of cardiac myocytes.

What is the outer layer of a muscle called?

The epimysium muscle surrounds the outermost layer of the entire muscle. The muscle is composed of cells known as muscle fibers.

A tissue composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei is?

Skeletal Muscle

What is the prostate gland made of?

The prostate gland is composed of smooth muscle cells, glandular cells, and cells that give the gland structure

The muscles of the arm are composed primarily of what cell type?

Skeletal muscle cells

Muscle cells contain contractible units called?

Myofibril, composed of actin and myosin.

Are organs and tissues the same things?

No, Organs are working parts of your body while tissue is like "clumps" of cells. Organs are composed of tissues which are themselves composed of cells that are working together. For example the heart is an organ and it is made of tissues composed of cardiac muscle cells.

What makes up most of the middle layer in the heart wall?

Most of the middle layer in the heart wall is composed of cardiac muscle cells. Cardiac muscle cells are also known as cardiomyocytes.

What are the specialized cells in the muscular system?

There are three types of muscle cells in the body. The skeletal muscles cells are the only voluntary muscle cells, which are attached to a person's bones. Smooth muscle cells are involuntary and are found within the walls of blood vessels, as well as various tracts in the body. Cardiac muscle cells are involuntary and found in the heart's structure.