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They look like their parents but more of a rusty brown color and no horns.

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Q: What are musx ox babies like?
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How do musk ox have babies?

Yes. They have babies called calves.

What is an Ox like antelope?

a wildebeest If ox like is based on size the Greater Eland and Lesser Eland are often referred to as ox like.

Simile for ox?

An ox is like a bull on steroids.

How are the Ox babies protected?

"Ox babies" are called calves. And oxen don't produce offspring, because they are primarily unsexed males that are trained to pull carts and wagons. Calves come from the mating of cows and bulls. And calves are protected by their dams.

How many babies does a ox have?

None. Oxen don't have "babies." This is because most oxen, if not all, are males, mainly castrated, that are trained to pull carts, not to be bred to produce "babies."

What is the body covering of an ox?

An ox has a hide just like a cow.

How does a ox look like?

just go to Google type ox then click images. it'll show you an ox.

What products do you get from an ox?

As an Ox is a bovine (Like a male cow) you can get several meat products from them.

How many babies can a musk oxen have?

usually one, two is rare

How are African elephant babies protected?

Elephant babies stay close to their mom for a year because of lions, crocodiles, and other carnivores. When a carnivore goes near the elephants, like musk ox, the elephants form into a ring and the babies are safe inside the ring. Even lions have to think twice before going to the ring.

What does like a ox mean?


Who would win a medium ox or a panther?

The medium ox would win because it would gore the panther to death like a large ox would.