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Liberty, Life, and property.

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Q: What are natural rights as defined by European Enlightenment thinkers?
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Enlightenment thinkers believed in what?

The existence of natural rights of people.

What is the universal moral law that Enlightenment thinkers believed could be understood?

Natural Law

What did enlightened thinkers believe?

Enlightenment thinkers believed people should choose their own leaders.

What did Enlightenment thinkers believe predated society and was superior to the laws of the church or the state?

Natural Law

Enlightenment thinker believed in?

Enlightenment thinkers believed that understanding a new truth could change them for the better.

What did enlightenment thinkers believe in?

Scientific Reasoning

How did the idea of natural of contribute to the enlightenment?

thinkers took the ideas of natural law one step further by adding to what they (the laws) govern over.

What rules discoverable by reason did enlightenment thinkers try to apply to the study and human behavior and society?

Natural law

What rules discoverable by reason did Enlightenment thinkers try to apply to the study of human behavior and society?

Natural law

How did enlightenment thinkers inspire revolutionaries to push for radical changes in government and society?

Enlightenment thinkers wanted the discovery of truth to be through the observation of nature, rather than Aristotle and the Bible. Some also wanted freedom and natural rights.

How did the idea of natural law contributed to the enlightenment?

thinkers took the ideas of natural law one step further by adding to what they (the laws) govern over.

How did the idea natural law contribute to the Enlightenment?

thinkers took the ideas of natural law one step further by adding to what they (the laws) govern over.