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Q: What are negative effects of micro organisms?
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Bad effects of micro organisms?

because naod is a don

Why antibiotics are given to the patients?

Antiobiotics are actually the medicines for killing the micro-organisms that are harmful for the patients that's they are given antibiotics to kill the micro-organisms that are in their body to save them from harmful effects of micro bodies.

What did edward Jenner have to do with micro organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

What did edward Jenner have to do with micro-organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

How do you kill micro organisms?

micro organisms can kill you by causing diseases

Does all micro-organisms feed on dead organisms only?

no not all micro organisms feed on dead organisms only

What is the difference between micro organisms and organisms?

micro organisms are very tiny, invisible to the naked eye

How do micro organisms affect our lives?

Micro-organisms affect every facet of our lives. From disease to digestion, nothing we do remains unaffected by micro-organisms.

What are pathogen micro organisms?

Pathogens are disease-causing micro-organisms, such as viruses and bacteria

What does micro organism mean?

Micro Means extremely small, we can only see micro-organisms in a microscope, Every Living creature has micro organisms on and in there body! even humans possess micro-organisms, such as bacteria, fungi and a virus, we all have these.

Name harmful effects of microorganism?

Not all but some of the micro organisms are responsible for the disease and infection causing. Spoil the food materials.

How are some micro-organisms usefull?

micro organisms are use full because they produce gas