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Being in the Army or Marines is not a civil service federal government job. Being a USPS worker would be considered a civil service federal government job.

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i dont know maybe you should not use this website

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Q: What are not civil service federal government jobs?
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The includes all federal government jobs that are not elected positions or military positions?

civil service

What is a civil service job?

A civil service job is a job that is usually in a government sector. This doesn't include the military and military jobs.

What Group is responsible for filling jobs in the federal government?

The Civil Service CommissionAnother View: Actually the agencies of the federal government are responsible for hiring their own empoyees. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), FORMERLY known as the US Civil Service Commission, sets the rules for federal emplpoyees.

What jobs are known as civil jobs?

Civil service jobs are government jobs held by civilians. Civil service jobs can be police officers, Department of Motor Vehicles staff, and veterans administration jobs.

What type of jobs are civil service federal jobs?

A job (of any type) which is paid for by federal tax revenue.

The includes all federal government jobs that are not elected positions or military positions.?

US Post OfficeAll Federal Law Enforcement AgenciesCIA (does have paramilitary units tho)Department of TreasuryDepartment of Educationthe list goes on...** civil service a+**

Which act classified certain federal jobs in 1883?

civil service act

What is most closely related to the use of examinations to fill government jobs?

Civil Service Commission.

What is the whole body of government employees holding regular jobs?

the civil service

The Civil Service was created partly to ensure that federal employees?

To make sure that the people working for the government were not given jobs because of political parties or related to people in office.

What were requirements of the pendelton civil service act?

Applicants for Government jobs to pass examination!

What is closely related to the use of examination to fill government jobs?

Civil Service Commission.