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Well, a broad answer is followers of witchcraft/magic based religion. However, Pagans do not fall into this as they specifically follow magic related to nature. The ancient Egyptian religion is the easiest example of the occult. Necromancy, Sorcery, and most other "dark/black" magics are occult religion based. They are not however "evil" or "bad" because even Christianity was bad in the hands of the church in the past. The intention and white and black of the occult is based solely on the practitioner.

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The murderer was an occult worshipper.Horoscopes are entertainment, not occult study.

What does occult mean?

Occult means "things that are hidden." (My socks are often hidden.....very occult)

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Yes and no. Only the higher ups in the religious hierarchy know and understand the occult and are considerate to be dark occultist who work against humanity to keep it enslaved and ignorant of the occult and about their real divine nature. The smaller priests and brainwashed believers and followers think that the occult comes from the Devil and is to be avoided. Which is a big deception cause the one thing they avoid prevents them from reaching and achieving the one thing they desire the most. Which is a Union with the Divine.

What is Difference between occult and horror fiction?

Horror fiction scares you... Occult fiction involves the paranormal or satanism. Horror might involve occult subjects, and Occult might scare you... so there is a lot of crossover. But that is the difference. There are Horror books that are definitely not occult and Occult books that are not horror. To read more about Occult and see more of the difference, please see the wikipedia page:

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Occult Medicine was created in 2004.

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The Occult Review ended in 1951.

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Occult is the knowledge of the paranormal. There really is no region in Europe that has the strongest occult, as each culture has their own beliefs of the paranormal.

When was Order of the Occult Hand created?

Order of the Occult Hand was created in 1965.