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Q: What are occupations sometimes called?
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What are two occupations in Delaware?

There is always a butcher, a baker and sometimes even a Candlestick maker.

What are secondary and tertiary occupations?

Secondary occupations- We get different types of raw material from primary occupations. However, most of it cannot be used directly. We need to process the raw material and make the necessary changes. The occupations that process raw materials and produce new materials are called secondary occupations

What are secondary occupations?

occupation that involves manufacturing of finished products from raw materials are called secondary occupations

What is a secondry occupation?

occupations that involve manufacturing of finished products from raw material are called secondary occupations for example obtaining cloth from cotton or sugar from sugarcane

Which of the following occupations is NOT included in the skilled career pathway?

This career pathway requires at least a Bachelor's degree and an sometimes advanced degree

What was ancient Persia's occupations?

There were priests, called Magi, herders, and farmers. That's all I know.

What is the raising of plants and animals called?

Farm,plants, and ranching,animals, are to agricultural occupations.

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What is a secondary occupation?

occupation that involves manufacturing of finished products from raw materials are called secondary occupations

What were Gandhi's occupations?

is occupations were to give India freedom.

What does professional and kindred occupations mean?

Similar occupations,