

What are odontocetes?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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8y ago

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One of the sub orders of whales. They are the toothed whales.

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Q: What are odontocetes?
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What does odontocetes mean?

odontocetes means ( toothed whales) example Orca active hunters feeding on larger prey.

What has the author Algis G Taruski written?

Algis G. Taruski has written: 'Winter sightings of odontocetes in the West Indies'

Are Baleen whales and Blue whales the same?

Definition for Baleen Whale: Any whale that has baleen or is a odontocetes whale.So, they are not technically same thing, but a blue whale is a type of baleen or odontocetes whale. This is because other whales have baleen, such as the Right Whale.

Is a dolphins a tooth whale?

Yes, all dolphins are toothed whales (Odontocetes).

How do whale sense sound waves?

Whales sense sound waves through a fatty, oval shaped organ located in the forehead of all odontocetes (toothed whales). It is believed to be a bioacoustic component, meaning it focuses echolocation so as to use the least amount of energy to communicate.

Do spotted dolphins get along with other dolphins?

sometimes but not always ANSWER Dolphins rarely if ever fight with other species of dolphin (with the one exception being Orcinus orca, the killer whale, which may attack dolphins more for sport than as a food source, although this information is anecdotal). Spotted dolphins are not known to be more aggressive than other odontocetes. Check out this website:

How do animals use ultrasonic sound to find their food?

I'm not certain, but I think this is right... Animals such as bats make ultrasonic noises which then bounce off the prey. The amount of time that the sound takes to come back enables the bat to judge their distance from the prey.

Do female sperm whales have teeth?

The sperm whale is a toothed whale. The sperm whale could be the biggest animal in in existence that has teeth. It has big teeth (in it's lower jaw) to catch and eat large prey, such as the giant squid. Baleen is not a tooth, but, is a flexible plate, and baleen whales have many of them in the front of the mouths. Baleen whales, such as the blue whale, eat very small animals such as plankton by taking large amounts of water into their mouths. The whales then strain the water through their baleen, which traps the plankton inside, which are then swallowed. Whalers who caught sperm whales in the past, would sometimes take the large teeth and make drawings on them.

What is the sperm whales predators?

Yes. Their name is, actually, reversed, as they are "whale killers", known to separate calves from the pod & hold it underwater until it drowns. Then they eat it. They are the world's oceans top predator, even as humans are the world's land top predator.

Why do non toohted blue whales have two blowholes?

Toothes whales eat other animals such as seals, fish and squid. Baleen whales have thick brush like baleen and eat by straining sea water through the baleen to filter out microscopic plants and animals.The toothed whale have teeth but, the baleen whale have baleen. The toothed whale have jaws lined with sharp teeth but, the baleen whales have baleen hung from upper jaw. The toothed whale feed on fish, squid, etc. but, baleen whales feed on small sea life.Baleen whales, or odontocetes whales, have baleen.Toothed whales, or mysticetes whales, have teeth.

What is the difference between a blue whale and a humpback whale?

First off Killer whales are odontocetes, or toothed whales, meaning literally "whales that have teeth", where as the blue whale and the humpback whale are balleen whales, instead of teeth, they have long rough strands of balleen in their mouth, made out of the same material as a human fingernail. Killer whales may get up to 25 feet long and weigh up to 12,000 pounds of more, males are usually larger than females. Humpback whales can get up to 60 feet long and weigh up to 83,000 pounds, females are usually larger. Blue Whales are the largest animals to have ever lived, even larger than the largest dinosaurs, they average 90-100 feet in length, and can weigh up to 400,000 pounds! Seeing as how both the Blue Whale and Humback Whales are Balleen whales, they feed primarily on microscopic organisms such as krill and plankton. Killer whales, depending on the population they belong to, will eat Salmom, Herring, Sharks, Birds, Seals, SeaLions, Turtles, Stingrays, and even other Whales and dolphins.

What are all the breeds of whales you can get?

There are over 80 species of whales and dolphins divided into two subspecies (suborder); Odontocetes ( toothed whales) and Mysticetes (baleen whales). Whales and dolphins are both part of the cetaceans order but are part of 2 different families. Orcas are counted in the dolphin family because their teeth are cone shaped like a dolphins. porpoises are counted as dolphins also. All the ones i can think of are: Whales - Orca (killer whale, which is actually part of the dolphin family) Beluga Humpback Blue whale Finwhale Minke whale Sei whale Sperm whale Right whale Bowhead Grey whale Narwaal long-finned pilot whale short-finned pilot whale false killerwhale bryde's whale Dolphins and porpoises: Pacific white sided dolphin saddleback dolphin bottlenose dolphin spinner dolphin river dolphin atlantic spotted dolphin commerson's dolphin chilean dolphin heaviside's dolphin hector's dolphin rough-toothed dolphin indo-pacific bottlenosed dolphin atlantic humpback dolphin indian humpback dolphin pacific humpback dolphin tucuxi clymene dolphin pantropical spotted dolphin striped dolphin arabian common dolphin long beaked common dolphin fraser's dolphin atlantic white-sided dolphin dusky dolphin hourglass dolphin peale's dolphin white-beaked dolphin northern right whale dolphin southern right whale dolphin risso's dolphin melon headed whale pygmy killerwhale pygmy right whale pygmy sperm whale australian subfin dolphin irrawaddy dolphin Dals porpoise harbour porpoise there is a ridiculous amount of dolphins and porpoises and there are a lot more than i listed but theres just an idea of how many there really are!