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they are made from pretty big trees and made in factories.

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Q: What are off brand paper towels made of?
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How do you get wax off of cloth?

Put paper towels under the cloth and iron it on low heat. The wax will go into the paper towels.

Top 5 selling paper towels?

charin royal scott Sit & smile cottonelle

Why are paper towels used while turning on and off the faucet?

People sometimes use paper towels for the faucet handle to avoid spreading germs.

Are quilted paper towels more absorbent than regular paper towels?

Yes ! Because the waves hold the paper together when wet more effectively than normal paper towel where the water would just run off.

Does the 50 cents off Viva paper towels coupon still work?

It depends on the expiration date. If it has not yet expired, then it is still valid for use to buy the paper towels at a discount.

Which paper towel absorbs water the fastest brawny or off brand?

bounty store brand off brand brawny

What is the worlds opinion on bounty paper towels?

they say it works great but it is realy cheap and a rip off

Which toilet paper is most biodegradable?

Yes they are. During the production and transportation it requires the burning of fossil fuels. They are also usually bleached white, which emits dioxins. However, Paper towels are considered inferior among towels. Many experts argue that they should not be considered towels at all, due to their evil polluting nature! Paper towels don't count, don't let this put you off towels all together! Towels are your best friend, never be without your towel.

My 5 year old daughter eats toilet paper paper towels cardboard anything paper She has thrown up whole paper towels parts off of cardboard boxes anything What makes someone want to eat paper?

It may be that whatever substance just tastes good or the person is suffering from Pica. hope i helped

What are book made off?

They are made of paper.

How would one get pink candle wax out of brown carpet?

Scrape as much wax off the carpet as possible using a dull knife. Place some paper towels over the remaining pieces. Heat the area over the paper towels. This will melt the wax, making it easier to lift from the carpet. Repeat the process with different paper towels. Use a spot cleaner to remove any left over stains.

Are paper towels safe to flush down the toilet?

Paper towels have been known to have traces of bacteria on them. Therefore, they are not the cleanest surface to put food on. They are better off being washed with warm water and soap, wringed dry, and air dried to use again.