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Q: What are organisms that are able to convert the sun's energy into usable energy?
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What organisms are able to convert the suns energy into usable energy?

Um...there are many bacteria species which can do that. Did you happen to ask which organell of the plants transforms sunlight energy into ATP and NADPH? - That would be the chloroplast.

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The group is called diazotrophs. They are mainly bacteria.

Living organisms that are able to make their own food?

Plants, they take energy from the sun and convert it to simple sugars.

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Which group of organisms are able to use this energy in the community?

All organisms

Why must a producer be at base of every food chain?

Something can't come from nothing. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted and transferred. Producers are the only living organisms of earth that are able to convert sunlight to energy. If it was not at the bottom of the energy pyramid, the organisms below it would not exist because they were not getting energy from the producers.

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What is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide into energy rich carbon compounds?

Plants are able to take in light energy from the sun and carbon dioxide from the environment and then turn that into usable energy for the plant. This process is known as photosynthesis.

What trophic level is able to convert solar energy into chemical energy?

It is the primary producers


If what you are asking is; how would one obtain (since you can't make nor destroy energy - first law of thermodynamics) energy if there is no food? Well, as a human or animal (or any other heterotroph) it is not possible to obtain such energy because unlike plants, we can't take energy from the atmosphere and convert it to usable energy that sustains life. If one was a photoautotroph or chemoautotroph, then one would be able to convert/obtain energy from sun light or inorganic subtances. For heterotrophs we need food or else we die.

What cell caputres energy and producess food?

All cells "capture" energy, and are able to convert that energy into food. Plant Cells (Prokaryotes) capture the energy emitted from the sun and convert that into energy so they can survive (Photosynthesis).