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Q: What are organizational conflict and describe its features and how differentiate functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict?
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What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict?

Functional conflict refers to conflict that is constructive and leads to positive outcomes such as innovation and improved communication, while dysfunctional conflict is destructive and hinders organizational performance or relationships. Functional conflict can lead to creativity and improved decision-making, while dysfunctional conflict can lead to low morale and decreased productivity.

Difference between functional and conflict?

Functional perspective focuses on how elements in a society work together to maintain stability and harmony, while conflict perspective examines how power dynamics and inequalities can lead to social conflict and change. Functionalism sees society as a system working towards equilibrium, while conflict theory sees society as inherently unequal and in conflict over resources and power.

Difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict?

Functional conflict refers to disagreement that leads to positive outcomes such as increased creativity or better problem-solving. Dysfunctional conflict, on the other hand, results in negative consequences like reduced productivity or damaged relationships within a group or organization. The key difference lies in the impact of the conflict on the overall functioning and performance of the group.

What is dysfunctional conflict?

when a conflict disrupt, it hinders job performance, and upset personal psychological function. This type conflict is dysfunctioal conflict.

What types of conflict challenge organizational paradigms and encourage creativity?

There are many types of different conflict. The type of conflict that challenges organizational paradigms and encourages creativity is substantive conflict.

What is organizational conflict and different types of conflict?


Discuss cross functional teams in terms of their propensity to create conflict?

jhj jhj Read Book Organizational Behavior, 12th edition, by Stephen Robhins, page 341

What types of conflict challenges organizational paradigms and encourages?

. Which of the following types of conflict challenges organizational paradigms and encourages creativity?

What is a dysfunctional conflict?

Functional conflict within the context of Organizational Behavior occurs when low to moderate levels of conflict improve the effectiveness of a group. Conflict is constructive when it improves the quality of decisions, stimulates creativity, innovation and encourages interest and curiosity among group members. It provides a medium through which problems can be aired and tensions released and fosters an environment of self-evaluation and change. Conflict is the antidote for groupthink.Conflict challenges the status quo and therefore furthers the creation of new ideas, promotes reassessment of group goals and activities, and increases the probability that the group will respond to change.

What is Organizational Conflict?

its just organized chaos

Cross-functional teams in terms of their propensity to create conflict?

discuss the cross-functional teams in terms of the propensity to create conflict.

Which types of conflict challenges organizational paradigms and encourages creativity?
