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lightning bugs, glow worms, or luciérnaga

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Q: What are other names for fireflies?
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What are the 2 names for fireflies in japan?

Those fireflies are under the Hotaru family of flies.

Do fireflies eat other fireflies?

yes I've seen it, before it was gross!

What is a firefly luciferase?

luciferase is a chemical found in fireflies and other glowing beeteles. ---- luciferase is a chemical found in fireflies and other glowing beeteles. ---- luciferase is a chemical found in fireflies and other glowing beeteles. ----

How do fireflies make their bellies glow?

Fireflies make their bellies glow by combining certain chemicals that make a "glow" in their bellies. This glow is used to communicate to other fireflies.

What do flire flies eat?

Fireflies eat a variety of items but mostly they eat other insects. Other items fireflies eat are snails, slugs, flower parts and pollen. Fireflies are actually a type of beetle not a fly.

What are two reasons fireflies light up at night?

1. For Mating 2.To signal to other fireflies their location

What are fireflies looking for when they flash their lighted abdomens a night?

Possibly a mate, of they are just talking to other fireflies.

How does fireflies glows?

There is a chemical in there abdomens that allows them to glow when they please. This glowing is thought to be a sort of mating call for other fireflies.

Why arent your fireflies glowing after you catch them?

they're probably scared or they know they can't attract any more fireflies after you catch them. but if you put them in a cage with a few other fireflies, they'll glow a while.

Are fireflies extinct?

No, but due to pesticides and other chemicals, the population of fireflies has declined drastically over the last 25 or 30 years.

How many metaphors are in the song Fireflies?

There is not a particular amount of metaphors in 'Fireflies' because the song itself can be interpreted as a single metaphor.

Why are the flash patterns of fireflies to be behavioral isolation?

The flashing pattern of the firefly is used to attract the opposite sex and find a mate. The patterns attract only other fireflies, not other species, and this is why it is an isolation behavior.