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Biological, cultural and mechanical means represent other ways of killing farm pests without using pesticides. Specifically, biological controls refer to the use of a pest's natural enemies. As an example, ladybugs [Coccinellidae family] are natural predators of aphids, mealybugs, mites, and scale insects.

Cultural controls refer to the correction of improper cultivation practices. For example, the soil is checked regularly for proper drainage and pH levels. The organic matter that's called 'humus' and whose well known form is compost is used as a soil amendment, organic mulch or natural fertilizer to put nutrients into the ground and encourage the formation of air and water pore spaces underground.

Mechanical controls refer to physical responses to real and potential problems. In the way of an example, floating row covers are placed over fruit and vegetable crops for protection against such predators as stubborn insects, hungry birds, and foraging wildlife.

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Q: What are other ways of killing farm pests without using pesticides?
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What is the use of pesticides as technology?

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What is chemical intended to kill insects or other pests?

Pesticides are used to keep away insects or other pests.

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They are to pests.

What is the same between fertilizers and pesticides?

Fertilizers contain nutrients which help plants grow better (faster, bigger, healthier and in more abundance) Pesticides eliminate pests (bugs and fungi) that could inhibit plant grown by either killing the pests or keeping them away from the plants. Some pesticides and fertilizers are chemical.. some are organic.

Why do people still use pesticides when they know it could be doing harm to the wildlife and pets around them?

This is purely for economic reasons. Without the application of pesticides, the crop would be destroyed by pests thus incurring heavy loss to the farmer. Moreover, the farmer does not have choice other than harmful pesticides to save his crops from devouring pests. <><><> Pesticides do not have to harm wildlife and pets. The flea medicine you use on your dog or cat is a pesticide, as are substances used to control mosquitoes and ticks- which carry disease. Without pesticides, thousands of people would die from malaria.

What is the meaning of quick action pesticide?

Pesticides are chemicals which kill pests, generally insect pests. "Quick action" pesticides kill bugs quickly.

What type of chemical compound used for killing pest?

In general, such chemical compounds are called pesticides. Different types of pests require different pesticides to control them. Permethrin is a very common pesticide used for controlling insect pests. My ex-girlfriend is a total pest and I have considered using Lead and Cordite to control her.

How can i combine these sentences - pesticides kill more than pests pesticides are dangerous chemicals?

Like this: Pesticides are dangerous chemicals, they kill more than pests. However, your English teacher may appreciate one of these two revisions: A category of dangerous chemicals known as pesticides can kill more than pests. This next revision incorporates the addition of an appositive Pesticides, a variety of dangerous chemicals, kill more than pests.

What is the purpose of peticides?

The purpose of pesticides is to kill pests.

How are pests manage on organic farms?

by organic pesticides.

These are sprayed on crops to protect them against pests?


How are pesticides harmful to animals people?

they kill pests