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Q: What are people called who think they are animals trapped in a human body?
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Why should wild animals be trapped in human nature?

wELL A REASONABLE ANSWER WOULD BE Because they are animals and the only way they can survive is with human nature.

Why you are called humans as human and animals as animal?

Because we are human and animals

What are people called that marry animals?

People who marry animals are said to be practicing zoophilia. This is not legal in most places and is also against human moral beliefs.

Can you see people who were born by animals?

No, because there are no people who were born of animals. Human babies can only come from human beings.

What are the benefits of animals to human or people?

(Human OR people?) - animals can be used for food, used as pack animals, farmed for income and their fur/skin can be used to make clothing

What animal babies are called baby?

Human animals.

How are domesticated animal different from wild animals?

domesticated animals are bred specially for human use and are comfortable with people. Wild animals have never experienced human contact and fear people.

The temptation to attribute human thoughts feelings and motive to animals is called?

The temptation to attribute human thoughts, feelings, and motives to animals is called the anthropomorphic fallacy. If this actually happens, it's called anthropomorphism.

Do people and anials have the same eyes?

"Do people and animals have the same eyes?" Animals can have the same eyes as a human being. But most of them don't have the eyes of an human being.

Why are animals not treated equally to human beings?

Most humans don't give animals the same rights because the belive that animals do not think on the same level we do.

What are animals called that eat plants or animals?

Animals that eat plants as well as animals are known as Omnivores. Example, Human beings.

Giving animals things or ideas human like quaulities?

Giving nonhuman obects/animals human characteristics is called personification.