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There is no need for anything in particular to be done to help the platypus's population. While there was a time when it was under threat, being particularly prized for its fur years ago, its numbers have returned to essentially the same levels they were prior to European settlement. The Australian Government lists the platypus as "common but vulnerable". The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the platypus as "least concern".

The platypus now has protection by law in the National Parks and Wildlife Act of 1974 (from hunters and fishermen), and the population has grown back to a healthy size. Another issue was that platypuses were drowning after being caught in fishing nets. it is no longer legal to use fishing nets in freshwater rivers and creeks.

There are concerns regarding the destruction of their habitat and awareness of this problem is increasing. Being officially protected means the platypus may not be hunted, or specimens taken as pets, and there are strict laws even governing the keeping of platypuses by wildlife sanctuaries or zoos. Currently, in 2013, no zoos outside of Australia have platypuses.

Tasmanian platypuses are subject to a disease caused by the fungus Mucor amphibiorum, which has fortunately not migrated to the mainland. Affected animals often develop skin lesions or ulcers, and the biggest threat to their survival arises from secondary infection. This can affect the platypus's ability to maintain body temperature and to hunt properly for food on the bottom of rivers and creeks. Naturally, funds are being directed into finding causes and cures for the problem.

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