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Q: What are people who record the past called?
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Related questions

What is a record of past events in order of time?

A record of past events in order of time is called a chronology.

What is the record of past events and times called?

This is often called history.

What is all the information that paleontologists have gathered about past life called?

It's called the fossil record.

What is a record of past events?

it is a journal type log where a person or various people observe events that have already occurred and write them down. This way, people in the future have information of events that took place in the past. A record of past events is an essential part to our intelligence of the past and is a vital part in history.

What are the Record of Events called?

πŸ™Record of all know past events are known as evergreen history .πŸ‘

What is the past tense for record?

The past tense of record is recorded.

What is a word that means record of past events?

past record means tae

What are people called that study past?


How does the Egyptian writing improve the lives of people living in the past?

Well, they could keep track of everything unlike with words, it helped them in everyday purposes . This system of writing was called hieroglyphics.

Why do people record history?

This is actually a very good question. Mainly to see what has happened in the past later on in the years and for people to study it.

What is the form in the medical record that contains subjective info about the patient's past illness?

The form in the medical record that contains subjective info about the patient's past illness is called a SOAP note. SOAP is the acronym for subjective, objective, assessment, and plan.

Who is person who studies how people lived in the past?

People who study how people lived in the past are called anthropologists.