

What are pet parrots afraid off?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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10y ago

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Many parrots fear loud/sudden noises/movements. They can also fear other pets as well, being that they (the other pets) are often viewed as predators to the parrot. Also, it depends on the parrot...some are more relaxed than others. It just depends on the temperament.

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What are parrots afraid of?

what are parrots scared of

Are parrots afraid of noise?

no. parrots like noise, sso they can copy the noise and learn new noise.

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Parrots need vitamins for their feathers.

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Steve Irwin was scared of parrots because he was bitten many times by them and is very nervous around them. The only parrot he was not afraid of was his black cockatoo.

Where does a pet parrot live?

I would probably say wild parrots would live in the rain forest, and pet parrots would live in a home with their owner!

Can you get parrots from a pet shop?

rarely but yes you can but not ever time you go to the pet shop

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Can parrots talk to humans?

yes, i have pet ones, and they do talk to me

Are pet parrots more expensive then black market parrots?

No; in fact, the opposite is true: pet parrots are from species that can be commercially exploited and sold to the general public. Black market parrots are from endangered species that should not be captured, much less sold. This in turn means higher prices as the people who capture and sell them are performing an illegal activity by definition.

Why do parrots in the rainforest have different behavior then pet parrots?

Parrots, unlike cats or dogs, are still very undomesticated even in captivity. Due to breeding and rising popularity as pets, parrots are slowly becoming more and more docile. One of the most common reasons is hand-feeding. Pet parrots are often fed from a bottle instead of being fed by their parents as they would be in the wild. This causes them to be used to humans and they are friendlier.

What is a website that contains information about parrots?

The Pet Bird Page at

Where can you get a parroit for sale?

You can buy parrots from pet shops on line and at farmer's markets