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Phermones are naturally referring to a secreted chemical factor that causes a social reaction among members of the same species. This can be relevant to human beings.

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Q: What are phermones naturally referring to?
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How do flies talk?

No, but they do however communicate with phermones for mating.

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Urine and phermones. It marks their territory.

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Is pine wood waterproof?

Not naturally if you are referring to pine in general, but it can be treated to be mostly waterproof.

What is the animal-world equivalent to perfume?

Phermones! because bugs and other animals use pheromones (kind of chemical) to attract different sex animals.

Is armpit licking good?

Absolutely, it's the area that produces phermones and they make you horny and aroused. Armpit licking and armpit sex is great. Try it.

Who was Robin's father?

John Grayson is Dick Grayson's father. Referring to Damian Wayne who became Robin, naturally, Bruce is his father.

Why do Amazon parrots have that weirdly sweet breath?

Amazons are hormonal birds. The phermones they excrete are responsible in keeping their mates attracted. Birds do not have a sense of smell like humans. We smell the phermones they put out. You can almost tell your Amazon parrots breeding cycle by the way their breath smells. Mine tends to get a little sweet and musty when it is that "time" of year. Either way they are amazing creatures.

What is the bark tasted like candy?

You are either referring to a candy called "chocolate bark," or maybe to the bark of the cinnamon tree, which is naturally sweet.

There are 92 naturally occurring what?

You might be referring to the chemical elements. However, we are now aware that there are 96. For more information you might wish to consult the wikipedia page about chemical elements.