

What are photoheterotrophs?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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11y ago

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A photoheterotroph is an organism which depends on light for the majority of its energy and that mainly depends on organic compounds for its carbon.

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Q: What are photoheterotrophs?
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What is the difference between photoheterotrophs and photoautotrophs?

Photoheterotrophs use organic compounds as their carbon source; photoautotrophs use carbon dioxide as their carbon source.

Are prokaryotes autotrophs?

They can be, Photoautorophs, Photoheterotrophs, Chemoautotrophs or Chemoheterotrophs

What is a photo-heterotroph?

The photoheterotrophs use light for energy but must get their carbon in organic form.

How are photoautotrophs and photoheterotrophs?

Photoautotrophs: Bacteria that use sunlight as their energy source and carbon dioxide (as part of photosynthesis) as their carbon source. These bacteria thus obtain all their nourishment through photosynthesis Photoheterotrophs: Bacteria that use sunlight as their energy source and organic compounds from the environment as their carbon source.

What is responsible for high levels of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere a. Photoautotrophs b. photoheterotrophs c.chemoautotrophs d. chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition e.parasitic chemoheter..?


Do Eubacteria have Nutrition?

Eubacteria are characterized by a lack of nucleus. Some get their energy from light and are known as photoheterotrophs. Others get their energy from chemicals and are called chemoheterotrophs.

Is the Following true or false Photoheterotrophs can either consume organic material from other organisms or perform photosynthesis?

False. Photoheterotrophs are heterotrophic organisms that use light for energy but cannot use carbon dioxide as their sole carbon source. Examples would be purple non-sulfur bacteria, green non-sulfur bacteria, or heliobacteria.SOURCED.A. Bryant & N.-U. Frigaard (November 2006). "Prokaryotic photosynthesis and phototrophy illuminated". D.A. Bryant & N.-U. Frigaard (November 2006). "Prokaryotic photosynthesis and phototrophy illuminated".

What is the difference between chemotrophs and chemolithotrophs?

The difference is the way they obtain energy. Chemotrophs are organisms that obtain energy by the oxidation of electron donors in their environments. These molecules can be organic (chemoorganotrophs) or inorganic (chemolithotrophs). Photoheterotrophs are heterotrophic organisms that use light for energy, but cannot use carbon dioxide as their sole carbon source.

Nonsulfur photosynthetic bacteria use organic compound as?

CARBON SOURCES.... nonsulfur (purple & green) bacteria are photoheterotrophs, so they use organic compounds, such as alcohols, fatty acids, other organic acids and carbs, as sources of carbon. If using Tortora, Funke & Case Microbiology text, then you can read this in Chapter 5!

Cyanobacteria can make their own food because?

sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. photoheterotrophs need sunlight but cannot use carbon dioxide and chemoautotrophs need CO2 but not sunlight and chemoheterotrophs need neither sunlight nor CO2.

Where do the green plants get their energy an d how much of it?

Photosynthesis[α] is a metabolic pathway that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight.[1] Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and many species of Bacteria, but not in Archaea. Photosynthetic organisms are called photoautotrophs, but not all organisms that use light as a source of energy carry out photosynthesis, since photoheterotrophs use organic compounds, rather than carbon dioxide, as a source of carbon.[2] In plants, algae and cyanobacteria photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen as a waste product. Photosynthesis is crucially important for life on Earth, since as well as it maintaining the normal level of oxygen in the atmosphere, nearly all life either depends on it directly as a source of energy, or indirectly as the ultimate source of the energy in their food.[2][β] The amount of energy trapped by photosynthesis is immense, approximately 100 terawatts per year:[3] which is about seven times larger than the yearly power consumption of human civilization.[4] In all, photosynthetic organisms convert around 100,000,000,000 tonnes of carbon into biomass per year.[5]

Heterotrophs get energy from food through the process of what?

Heterotrophs get their food by eating something else. For example, lions are heterotrophs because they eat other animals such as deer. The deer is a heterotroph because it eats grass. Grass is an autotroph because it makes its own food through photosynthesis.