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The color like its light brown color or the size of it.

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Q: What are physical properties of the moon europa?
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Which planet is Europa the moon from?

Europa is Jupiters moon.

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Which planet has a moon called Europa?

Jupiter is the planet with the moon Europa

Is Europa a planet or a moon or a dwarf planet?

Europa is a moon of Jupiter.

Is Europa Jupiters moon a star?

Obviously not, Europa is a moon, not a star.

Which planet have a moon name Europa?

europa is Jupiter's moon. Jupiter has 4 moons, and Europa is one of them.

Where is Europa in the solar system?

Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.

Is Europa a planet in our solar system?

No, europa is a moon

Which planet does europa belong to?

Europa is a Moon of Jupiter.

What are the physical properties of the moon Io?

Sasquatch taking a bath

How many satlelites does the moon Europa have?

a sattelite is a moon so therefore Europa doesnt have any moons because it is a moon.

How do you see Europa the moon?

You will have to use a telescope to see Europa.