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Sunflower, rose, morning glory and etc.

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6mo ago

Plants that have both an anther and stigma are classified as "perfect" or "bisexual" flowers. These flowers are capable of self-pollination, as they contain both male (anther producing pollen) and female (stigma receiving pollen) reproductive parts within the same flower. Examples of plants with perfect flowers include roses, lilies, and sunflowers.

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Q: What are plants that have both anther and stigma?
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Is anther above stigma in self pollinated plants?


Does morning glory has anther and stigma?

I've been looking everywhere for this answer, as far as i can tell, a morning glory has both, the stigma and the anther's.

What is meant by pollination in plants?

Pollination means transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma in plants.

Where does sexual reproduction in flowering plants occur?

In the flower when the pollen from an anther is transferred to the stigma.

What transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma?

yes, but it is the anther to the stigma of a different plant self pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same plant

What catches pollen?

The stigma, at the top of the pistil.

What The part of the pistil that receives pollen?

Pollen is collected in the stigma.

What are the sex cells of a plant?

The stigma and the anther

When pollen moves from the?

pollen grain so pollination involves the transfer of 11. ________ grains from a flower'stamen to its stigma. the _____ is pollen

Is there only male sex cells in plants?

No - in flowering plants there are both male and female parts. The male part is the stamen, which includes the anther (where pollen is produced) and the filament. The female part is the pistil, which includes the stigma, style, ovary and ovule.

What are the parts of stamen?

anther and phelement

Does the stigma produce pollen?

no, the anther produces pollen