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Curry comb is a tool made of rubber or plastic with short teeth on one side, which slides onto the hand of the horse groom. Usually it is the first tool used in daily grooming of a horse. These combs help loosen dirt, hair, and other detritus, and they stimulate the horseâ??s skin to produce natural oils.

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Q: What are plastic curry combs for?
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What is a curry comb made of'?

Curry combs are made out of plastic, and some are metal. The plastic ones are used to get off dirt and stuff to dense for a brush. Metal curry combs are used mostly for removing dead hair. Hey there! So there is your answer.

Curry combs what are they used for i am only asking for howrse riding level two.?

What is a curry comb A tool made of rubber or plastic with short teeth on one side

How do you use a currycomb?

Curry combs that are made of rubber or plastic are used all over the body in a circular motion. There are small rubber curries that can be used on the face and even the lower legs.Metal curry combs are used to clean hair out of the stiff( Dandy or hard) brush, and the soft body brushes. Some people wrongly use them on the horses body, this is what a shedding blade is for, not a metal curry comb.

What is a curry combs purpose?

a curry comb is made to get loose hair or dirt out of the horse's mane or tail

The name of the plastic polymer from which combs toys bowls are made is?

Polystyrene plastic Polymer is used to make combs.

Is a comb a conductor?

Combs are made of plastic, and plastic is not a great conductor of electricity.

Where can plastic combs for a book binding machine be purchased?

Plastic combs for book binding machines can be purchased at office supply stores such as Office Max, Staples, and Office Depot. Plastic coils may also be purchased online.

How do you use a curry comb?

Curry combs should be used in a vigorous circular motion using a little bit of elbow grease, but not so much pressure as to make the horse uncomfortable. Remember that a curry should not be used on the lower legs and only a soft curry can be used on the face.

Can you use a metal curry comb on a horse?

A plastic curry comb is generally used for everyday grooming of a horse and a rubber curry comb is very good when used in a circular motion to get rid of dead hair and improve circulation/massage the horse

Where are combs made?

better question: What's plastic and isn't made in China?

What is a plastic curry comb used for?

it does the same job as a rubber curry comb, it loosens dirt, hair and grease

In what order must these combs be used to groom a horse properly curry comb soft brush and dandy brush?

a hard brush