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The process in which gases enter the leaves of the plants is called respiration.

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stomata helps in exchangeof gases

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Q: What are pores in the leaves of plants that allow co2 and sunlight in?
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Why do plants need leavs?

The leaves allow the plant to absorb sunlight and use it to make food (Photosynthesis) as well as allowing it to release excess moisture through pores in the leaves.

Tiny pores called stomata on the bottom of the leaves take in what from the air?

The stomata are on the bottom of the leaves to aid in respiration. The pores allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf. This allows for the continuation of photosynthesis by plants. They have a very important role in photosynthesis.

What importances are the pores to leaves?

they serve as the breathing organs for plants

What are the membranes of what have tiny pores that allow the passage of water molecules?

Plant leaves. The pores are called stomata.

How does the wax on leaves in desert ecosystem help plants?

Slows down evaporation of water from the pores of the leaves.

Air enters and exits plants through pores on the underside of the leaves?


What opens their pores for carbon dioxide and lose water to evaporation?

These are the leaves of plants.

What does a leaf cell produce for the plant?

Leaves collect sunlight for photosynthesis and release water through their pores

What the opening in leaves?

The stoma (aka stomate) are the "pores" in the leaves and stems of plants used to control gas exchange.

What are the microscopic pores on plants that allow gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass in and out of the plant?

These pores are called the stomata.

Where does CO2 enter plants?

co2 entres through small pores called stomata present on leaves of plants.

Why can't plants breath oxygen?

They can - oxygen is absorbed through pores on the underside of the leaves.