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Q: What are positive aspects of having asylum seekers in the UK?
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How do asylum seekers affect Australia?

i personally don't have a problem with this. i go to school, and lately we have been learning about this. basically the issue is they 'take up our space'. but think about it, if they didnt leave their country, they could be killed. they're only coming here to protect their lives, just remember, we have it so good here in australia. in some countries 12 year old girls are stoned to death for the 'crime' of having been gang raped. it absolutely shocking! and if you steal, or decide not to vote for the military government, your hand may be chopped off. its discusting, it really is. so please remember that asylum seekers are only here for their safety, and not because they want to come to australia, its more because they have to. thankyou, - naomi. good job naomi Not so simple Naomi. These asylum seekers pass though several 'safe' countries where they can claim asylum, but they choose Australia because they think we are a soft touch and will let anyone in. If they are truly afraid for their safety then they should not be choosing where they head for, but stopping where it is safest and nearest. The majority of those who have sought asylum in Australia in recent years have been adult males from countries where Australian troops are fighting to restore democracy and law and order. It is thought that these men should stay in their own countries and join the fight to improve their own countries and living standards rather than abandon them. Most are economic migrants, not political prisoners, they choose Australia instead of seeking asylum in their nearest 'safe country' which is the accepted law of seeking asylum. The problem with the demographics of recent asylum seekers in Australia is they come from middle-eastern cultures which do not encourage integration with western cultures. Non-integration of these people is becoming a problem in parts of Sydney for example. Those who have been persecuted in their countries have been traditionally welcomed into Australia in the past, however the sheer volume of arrivals of men from Islamic countries into Australia as 'asylum seekers' and their recent violent behaviour and rioting while in detention has stretched the tolerance and good will of the Australian people for this category of migrant. In short, Australians are fed up with them.

What did John Howard say no to?

John Howard said no to a few things such as:Allowing illegal asylum seekers to come anywhere near Australia - this protected Australia's shoresAn official government "sorry" to the stolen generation - he knew that an official sorry would open the floodgates to compensation demandsFreedom of individuals having guns in Australia - the Port Arthur massacre was an horrific event

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Optimism is a good contributor to a positive attitude as it involves having a hopeful and positive mindset, which can lead to more resilience and better problem-solving skills. Pessimism, on the other hand, tends to focus on the negative aspects of situations and can lead to a more negative outlook on life.

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