

What are positive charges?

Updated: 9/2/2021
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6y ago

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Protons carry a positive charge, electrons carry a negative charge and neutrons do not carry a charge.

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Molly Breitenberg

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Q: What are positive charges?
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Do positive objects contain only positive charges?

No. A positive ion merely has more positive charges (protons) than negative charges (electrons).

Will positive and positive repel or attract?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.

What type of particles gather near the bottom of clouds before energy is released as lightning?

the answer is both positive and negitive charges and that is because to make lighting it has to be positive and negitive charges because if there is both 2 negitive charges will both repel and the same thing will happen to positive charges but when positive and negitive charges and positive charges will attract

Why does positive and positive charges repels in a cell?

Because like charges repel each other.

Atoms have higher number of positive charges than negative charges?

the positive number of a atom

What causes a substance to have a positive charge?

the object has to have more positive charges than negative charges.

What is a continuous flow of positive charges called?

The continuous flow of positive charges is called current

Will positive and positive attract or repel?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.

Does wool have a negative or positive charge?

both because every object has both positive and negative charges but mainly has positive charges.

What are different types of charges?

the different types of charges are positive and negative charges

What is a positive charge plus a positive charge?

Two positive charges.

Does positive attract to positive?

Like charges repel