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the answer is both positive and negitive charges and that is because to make lighting it has to be positive and negitive charges because if there is both 2 negitive charges will both repel and the same thing will happen to positive charges but when positive and negitive charges and positive charges will attract

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Q: What type of particles gather near the bottom of clouds before energy is released as lightning?
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Lightning is formed by particles in the clouds, that on the top forms a Positive charge, and on the bottom a Negative charge, these particles continue to form, and when there are to many particles in the clouds, some need to go, and when they go, they come out as Static electricity, which this is called Lightning, and the more particles there are, the more will need to be given, and that means the more lightning there is.

Which type of particles will gather near the bottom of the storm cloud if it releases electrical energy as lightning?

positive and negative have the same change

How are Subatomic Particles involved in Lightning?

Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles. When you have a cloud that at the top of it is most negativity charged and the bottom is positively charged and it rolls over a point in the ground that is negatively charged this causes lightening and actually lightening goes from the ground up to the clouds not from the clouds to the ground as believed - the lightning is composed of a stream of electrons

How does the principle of opposite charges attracting help to produce lightning?

Positively charged particles in a storm cloud float near the top, while negatively charged particles stay near the bottom. If the negatively charged particles clump up too much, they 'jump' somewhere else, to help spread out again. This results in lightning from the attracted particles.

How do function in lightning rods?

The function of a lightning rod is to absorb a lightning strike and lead the charge safely to ground before the building is damaged. The rod is placed slightly above the highest part of a building. A metal cable is attached to the rod, and the bottom end of the cable is buried deep in the ground.

What happens to the particles in a suspension if they are not being mixed?

These particles will settle to the bottom of the container.

What happens the particles in a suspension if they are allowed to stand?

They will separate from the solution. Think of sand and water in a glass jar. If you shake the jar, the sand and water will stay mixed for a while- --the sand is " suspended" in the liquid. However, if you let it stand a while, the sand will drop to the bottom of the jar.

Lightning forms when?

Lightning happens when the negative charges (electrons) in the bottom of the cloud are attracted to the positive charges (protons) in the ground.

Positive and negative charges in cumulonimbus clouds?

During a storm small particles are propelled towards the top of the cloud by strong internal winds. The larger particles fall to the bottom of the cloud. This causes the top of the cloud to develop a strong positive charge, while the bottom of the cloud has a strong negative charge. This induces a positive charge on the ground. This combination is where there is a massive very rapid transfer of electrons, also known as lightning.

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Why did the patient shake digoxin Elixir before taking it?Read more: Why_did_the_patient_shake_digoxin_Elixir_before_taking_it

What do you call a mixture that has little particles that settle in the bottom?

a suspension.

What particles in one of these will eventually settle out at the bottom?

bro what are you saying