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Wolves can take care of the deer population (in Colorado they really need wolves because the population is too large) and they can gather speed to nearly 50 mph.

Because wolves are being hunted to near extinction they cannot form packs. This forces them to kill farmers' livestock, for further hunting.

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14y ago
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7y ago

yes but not all people but most people do and some people like wolves because they are cute and they sometimes save people.
No wolves are viewed as menacing livestock killers and they are feared they shouldn't be though wolves will avoid people and never once will a healthy wolf attack a person they only hunt livestock when they have to they are beautiful majestic and just another creature trying to survive

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14y ago

Well, this is a tough one, but I'll try to answer it as best I can. Wolves have amazing night vision, are really fast, and each have their own special howl. Sometimes packs will vary their howls, to make it sound like there are more of them.Wolves have their own rankings too. The top wolf is the Alpha, who mates with the Beta Female. There are more, but I can't remember them right now. The rankings are established by playing and fighting. Wolves hunt together, but when they eat, they eat by ranking. They communicate with barks, tail wag, whines, body gestures, and their eyes. I could give you more reasons why wolves are awesome, but you'd be sixty by the time you finished.

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12y ago

1) They're intelligent. Unlike most animals which often just run (or dive) at their prey, wolves tend to pick the weakest out of a herd, separate it, and drive it to a place where they have the advantage.

2) They work in a pack, so they have a higher ability to bring down larger animals then if they where alone.

3) They have a high endurance, and can run a full day and night. This means they can chase their prey longer then the prey can often run.

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15y ago

a pro on wolves is that they can keep elk herds down and help small animals to survive more

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13y ago

they are one of the best hunters in the whole Europe.

they can be tricky and fast.

they change colour of their hair by changing the enviorment.

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