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"O" or "B"

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Q: What are possible genotypes of a person with type B blood?
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What two type genotypes are possible for a person who as A blood?

Blood typePossible genotypesAAA AOBBB BOBlood typePossible genotypesABABOOO

What blood type would A and AB make?

If the first person is AA, then the possible resulting genotypes are AA or AB. If the first person is AO, then the possible resulting genotypes are AA, AB or BO.

What are the possible genotypes of a with type B blood?

BB or Bo normally.

What are the genotypes of a person with type of B blood?

BB or BO

Can O plus B produce O type blood?

Yes. There are two possible genotypes for a person with type B blood: BB or BO. If a person with the BB genotype has children with a person with type O blood, then all of their children will have type B blood. But, it the person has the BO genotype, then any child they have will have a 50% chance of having type O blood.

What are the possible genotypes for blood o?

The Basic Blood Group genotypes would be: AA AO AB BB BO OO Blood type A--AA AO Blood type B--BB BO Blood type AB--AB Blood type O--OO

Can one parent who has A-type blood and the other who has O-type blood bear a child who has AB-type blood?

no, because the possible genotypes of blood type A are AA and AO while the possible genotype of blood type O is OO. therefore, the possible blood type of their children would either be a blood type O and a blood type A.

What genotypes give you A B ABand O blood type?

The possible genotypes of blood type A are AA and AO. The possible genotypes of blood type B are BB and BO. The genotype of blood type AB is AB. The genotype of blood type O is OO.

How many of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?

Use a punnet square it may be a little tricky though.Just remember which letter is dominant and which one is recessive.heterozygous and Homozygous.

What are the possible genotypes of a person with a type B blood?

BB or BO

If a women with type O blood and a man with type AB blood have childrenwhat are the childrenwhat are the children's possible genotypes?

Parentsblood types: A and Bgenotypes: IAi and IBiChildrenblood types: A, B, O, and ABgenotypes: IAi, IBi, Ii, and IAIB(capital A's and B's are superscript)

What does the 'I' stand for in genotypes for blood type?

Immuonoglobulin ( IgM)