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3mo ago

Erosion is the process by which natural forces such as water, wind, and ice wear away the earth's surface. This can lead to the removal and transportation of soil, rock, and sediment from one place to another. Erosion plays a key role in shaping the landscape over long periods of time.

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Q: What are powers of erosion?
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What is powers of erosion?

Powers of erosion refer to the processes by which soil and rock are worn away and transported by natural forces such as water, wind, and ice. These processes include weathering, transportation, and deposition, which continuously shape and change the Earth's surface over time.

What are Two landforms created by rivers?

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What are types of erosions?

Types of erosions include sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion, and streambank erosion. Sheet erosion occurs when a thin layer of soil is removed by rainfall or runoff, while rill erosion creates small channels in the soil. Gully erosion forms larger, deeper channels, and streambank erosion refers to the wearing away of soil along river or stream banks.

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erosion. deposition. transportation. hydraulic action erosion (wave erosion). abrasion erosion (wave erosion).

What are the 5 types of erosion?

The five types of erosion are water erosion, wind erosion, glacier erosion, wave erosion, and mass movement erosion. Each type of erosion is caused by different forces and processes that wear away or transport soil and rock material from one place to another.

What are the three main types of erosion?

The 3 main types of glacial erosion are plucking, abrasion and freeze thaw.

What are three transporting agents of erosion?

Three transporting agents of erosion are water, wind, and ice. Water erosion is caused by rivers, streams, and rainfall, while wind erosion occurs in arid and windy environments. Ice erosion, known as glacial erosion, is caused by the movement of glaciers.

What are the 4 types of water erosion?

The four types of water erosion are sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion, and streambank erosion. Sheet erosion occurs when water flows evenly over a surface, rill erosion happens when small channels are formed in the soil, gully erosion involves larger channels, and streambank erosion is the wearing away of stream banks.

What is erosion and types of erosion?

Erosion is the process of wearing away of land by natural elements such as wind, water, and ice. The different types of erosion include water erosion (due to rivers and rainfall), wind erosion (due to wind carrying away soil particles), glacier erosion (due to moving glaciers), and coastal erosion (due to wave action along coastlines).

What is the process that break down rock called?

Weathering or erosion.

What are 4 ways that erosion can occur?

Erosion can occur through water erosion (rivers, waves), wind erosion (blowing sand and soil), glacial erosion (movement of ice), and chemical erosion (dissolving of rocks by acids).