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Pronouns that refer mostly to people are called personal pronouns. Some personal pronouns include I, me, you, him, her, she, them, he, and they.

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Pronouns that refer primarily to people are called

personal pronouns.

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Demonstrative pronouns usually refer to objects rather than?

Demonstrative pronouns usually refer to objects rather than people.

Demonstrative pronouns usually refer to the objects rather than what?

Demonstrative pronouns typically refer to objects or things, such as "this," "that," "these," and "those," to point out or identify them. They do not generally refer to people or concepts.

What pronouns is First person plural?

The first person plural pronouns are "we," "us," "our," and "ourselves." These pronouns refer to a group of people including the speaker.

What are the 2 kinds of indefinite pronoun?

The two kinds of indefinite pronouns are indefinite pronouns that refer to people, such as "someone" or "anyone," and indefinite pronouns that refer to things, such as "something" or "anything."

Can a pronoun and noun be singular or plural?

Yes, pronouns and nouns can be singular or plural depending on the number of things or people they refer to. Singular pronouns or nouns refer to one person or thing, while plural pronouns or nouns refer to more than one person or thing.

What I you he she and they are examples of what types of pronoun?

I, you, he, she, and they are examples of personal pronouns. Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. The personal pronouns are:first person: I, we, me, ussecond person: youthird person: he, she, it, they, them

Which types of pronouns do NOT refer back to an obvious antecedent?

The indefinite pronouns do not have an obvious/definite antecedent that they refer back to.Indefinite pronouns are used in place of nouns for people, things, or amounts that are unknown or unnamed.

What are the four demontrative pronouns?

The four demonstrative pronouns are "this," "that," "these," and "those." "This" and "that" are used to refer to singular objects or people that are close or far from the speaker, respectively. "These" and "those" are used to refer to plural objects or people that are close or far from the speaker, respectively.

Give you a examples of personal pronoun?

The personal pronouns represent specific people or things; they are:personal pronouns:Iyouwehesheitmeushimhertheythem

What kind of demonstrative pronouns are this and that?

"This" and "that" are both examples of demonstrative pronouns, which are used to point out or indicate specific people or things. "This" is used to refer to something that is near or present, while "that" is used to refer to something that is further away or not present. For example, "This is my pen" and "That is your book."

What are the singular demonstrative pronouns?

The singular demonstrative pronouns are "this" and "that." "This" is used to refer to something close to the speaker, while "that" is used to refer to something farther away.

Are she and he common nouns?

Yes, "she" and "he" are common pronouns used to refer to people or things previously mentioned in a sentence.