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Q: What are pumped across the membrane of the mitochindria to drive ATP synthase?
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Where is ATP made in the mitochondria?

Across the inner membrane. As H+ ions are pumped through ATP synthase, ADP + Pi --> ATP

What ion is pumped across the inner membrane in the ETC?

Protons are pumped across the inner membrane into the intermembrane space.

Which of the following best describes the direct mechanism of ATP production during photosynthesis?

Protons are pumped across the thylakoid membrane, where they flow back through ATP synthase which synthesizes ATP.

What would increase the electrochemical gradient across a membrane?

Hydrogen ions are pumped across the membrane by carrier proteins of the electron transport chain

Where are H pumped in the mitochondria?

Pumped into the outer lumen of the mitochondria where it builds up a concentration gradient which it falls down through the ATP-synthase. A rotary motor that takes ADP and a phosphate group a combines them to produce ATP by the energy provided by the H +. Simplified version.

When hydrogen ions are pumped from the mitochondrial matrix across the inner membrane and into the intermembrane space the result is?

Hydrogen ions are pumped through the membrane in the final stage of ATP generation in the electron transport chain. The ions pumped through the membrane create a gradient and cause the hydrogen to "want" to pass back through the membrane. They do so through the protein channels in the membrane and attaches a phosphate to adenosine diphosphate to make adenosine triphosphate.

What must be used to transport materials that cannot diffuse across the membrane?

They must pumped actively. So energy in ATP is used.

Name of the enzyme that makes ATP from the H plus pumped from the electron transport chain?

ATP synthase.

What happens when electrons are passed the electron transport chain?

Hydrogen ions are pumped across the mitochondria's inner membrane producing a concentration gradient

What happens when electrons are transported down the electron transport chain?

Hydrogen ions are pumped across the mitochondria's inner membrane producing a concentration gradient

What Happens when electrons are passed down electron transport chain?

Hydrogen ions are pumped across the mitochondria's inner membrane producing a concentration gradient

What happen when electrons are passed down the electrons transport chain?

Hydrogen ions are pumped across the mitochondria's inner membrane producing a concentration gradient