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Purple stripes on the side of the tongue may be due to a condition called benign migratory glossitis, also known as geographic tongue. It is a harmless and typically painless condition where the tongue develops irregular, smooth, red patches with a white border. It is usually not a cause for concern, but if you have any discomfort or concerns, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis.

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Q: What are purple stripes on the side of tongue?
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Is it on the bottom side of your tongue? That's one of the veins that delivers blood to your tongue. The blue coloring of your vein appears purple through the pink coloring of your tongue.

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Is it possible for a zebra to have a purple stripe?

No it can not have purple stripes.

What is the meaning of the purple stripes on marine engineers epaulets?

Hello everybody, I'm marine engineer. Many people even those belonging to shipping profession have got a lot of confusions regarding the purple stripes. But, a lot of people are their who have cooked a lot of funny stories about the purple coloured stripes. Story 1: Some people think that the purple color is due to the purple coloured overalls of all the engineers working on titanic ship. And to give respect to all the engineers of Titanic, purple stripes turned to be the symbol of loyalty and dedication of engineers towards their profession and the purple overalls changed to purple stripes. Story 2: Some people think that there was a person named Jone who was a britisher and worked with full joy. And he was deadly dedicated to his profession and to honour that guy, he was awarded a little purple coloured heart. And that heart got converted to purple stripes. Reality: There are no such reasons at all but this purple colour is used to distinguish the engine side from the deck side. And the purple colour is selected because of the colour of overalls of all the engineers working on titanic. But this colour has got no connection with dedication and all, because then, this statement will become a contradiction for deck side people. They have also got dedication toward their profession but they don't have any purple stripes. So, gentlemen, purple stripes are just a symbol to recognise engine officer from deck officer. A good site that explains the reason for the different colours worn by different departments is available online via a search.

What Australian marsupial has a purple tongue?

There do not seem to be any Australian marsupials with a purple tongue. There is a reptile, the Eastern blue-tongued lizard, which has a vivid blue-purple tongue, but no marsupials have this feature.

What does dark stripes on the tongue mean?

Dark stripes on a a person's tongue typically means there is a buildup of food or bacteria. When brushing the teeth, it is a good idea to also brush the tongue to remove any buildup.

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Under your tongue is purple is this bad?

If there is a patch of purple color under your tongue you should see a doctor as it is not a good sign.

Do ships have black boxes?

no, they have purple zebra stripes.

What colour is vanessa's shitzu?

yellow with purple stripes

Is the Mexican flag pink with purple stripes?

Sure is