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Q: What are reactions that break apart large molecules are involved in what type of digestion?
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Reactions that break apart large molecules are involved in?

Reactions that break apart large molecules are involved in catabolic processes, such as digestion or cellular respiration. These reactions help to release energy by breaking down complex molecules, like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, into simpler compounds that can be used by cells for energy production and other processes.

What that break apart large molecules are involved in which type of digestion?


Reaction that break apart large molecules are involved in which type of digestion?


Chemical reactions that take apart molecules?

The chemical process by which molecules are broken down into their smaller components is called catabolism.

What is the chemical reactions that allow large molecules to be broken apart into smaller molecules by adding water called?

This process is called hydrolysis.

Is enzymes protiene?

Yes, enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts to speed up chemical reactions in living organisms.

What does digestion do to the protein you eat?

Digestion breaks apart the proteins using specific enzymes (catalysts to speed up reactions) to make amino acids and then those amino acids are sorted and used throughout your body.

Define the digestion?

Digestion is the process through which food is broken down in one's digestive system. This is done by mechanical means and the release of enzymes in the alimentary canal. The food must be broken into smaller parts or substance so that the body can utilize them.

Where do chemical reactions occur in organic molecules?

Most chemical compounds do not combine with one another automatically, nor do chemical compounds break apart automatically. The great majority of the chemical reactions that occur within living things must be energized. This means that the atoms of a molecule must be separated by energy put into the system. The energy forces apart the atoms in the molecules and allows the reaction to take place.

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Is water released when a peptide bond between two amino acids is broken?

No, water is released when a peptide bond is formed through a dehydration synthesis reaction, not when it is broken. In the process of breaking a peptide bond (hydrolysis), water is required to break the bond and separate the amino acids.

Which accounts for the increase in the rate of reaction when a catalyst is added to a reaction system. Does the entropy of the reaction increase?

A catalyst increases the rate of reaction by providing an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy. This allows more reactant molecules to overcome the activation energy barrier and form products faster. The addition of a catalyst does not necessarily affect the entropy of the reaction itself, as entropy is related to the disorder of the system and the arrangement of particles, not the speed of the reaction.